"There are none here that you need fear, Sir Dragon, except for old Milo the skunk, of course, but he has just run off anyway."

"Be it known that this is a personal duel only, and the outcome shall have no bearing upon the winner or placement in the tournament, which has already officially ended."
Amansun the dragon prince
Book 1 The Beginning
The reader will be transported into another world, where they will follow along with the main character as he learns about his past, future, and what he is able to accomplish when he is willing to push forward and fight for what he believes in.
Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, Dragons & Mythical Creatures. Good can prevail over evil when one is willing to take a stand and do the right thing, not what they are told or expected to do…life should be filled with adventure as a life without some risk, and adventure is a very dull life indeed…the things that we choose to do and the choices we make have a great impact on the rest of the world and those we share it with.
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Amansun the dragon prince
Book 2 Return to Argonathe
In the second book of the Amansun the Dragon Prince Trilogy, Return to Argonathe, Amansun must continue on his quest to prove himself and complete the task he was sent out on. Though he has already faced many adversaries and obstacles, Amansun now faces some of the most dangerous foes to be found in the lands to the East.
With the help of some old allies, along with new friends he meets along the way, Amansun fights his way through one challenge after the other, as he attempts to reclaim his families kingdom at Argonathe at the feet of the Granite Mountains.
Making his way from Eladrias Castle, where he has fallen for Princess Lyleth, he must pass through the Lost Hills, Darkwood Forest, and the Eastern Plains, encountering dangerous creatures and beasts along the way.
While Amansun travels East, the Under Lord, seeking vengeance for his losses at the Battle of Three Kings, sends out one of his most dangerous creatures to put an end to the Dragon Prince and his quest.
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Vincent Robinson
I grew up on a beautiful island in the middle of the pacific ocean surrounded by waterfalls, mountains, forests, and world class scenery spending the majority of my time outdoors. In my younger years I was always reading fantasy novels like the Lord of The Rings series including the Hobbit of course (my favorite), along with the Chronicles of Narnia, and others. These glimpses into the world of fantasy captured my imagination and wanted me to create my own world filled with mythical and magical creatures of it’s own.